How to Choose the Right Indoor House Plant for Your Home

How to Choose the Right Indoor House Plant for Your Home

Are you looking for a way to add some life and color to your home, but don't know where to start?

If you're feeling overwhelmed when it comes to buying the perfect houseplant, then know that you are not alone. The secret is understanding how much time and care your plant will require before getting it home. It's also important to have a plan for where it should live in your space even before making the purchase!

Nonetheless, houseplants are the perfect way to spruce up any space and give it that extra touch of vibrancy. But with so many options available, it can be hard to decide which type of plant is right for you. Whether you're an experienced green thumb or just starting out on your gardening journey, this easy 3-step guide will help you learn to buying the perfect indoor houseplant for your home!

Step 1: Pick A Spot

Before lavish terrariums, lush gardens, and cascading vines take over all of your free surfaces, it's important to consider the amount of light available in each room before you buy your first houseplant. After all, plants need light to grow—so make sure none of them end up living in the dark!

Take a quick look around your home and decide which windows, balconies, or even corners are getting the most light. This information will help you determine what type of plant is best suited.

Hewma Tip: If there is a plant that you see and you like, do a bit of research ahead of time and decide if this species may be better suited for less sunny spaces, or if you prefer having some leafy friends around more glowing days, that information is just a few clicks (or finger taps if you're using your phone) away.

Step 2: Pick A Plant Size & Shape

Decorating with houseplants is a great way to liven up any space, but when you're looking for the perfect pick, the size and shape of your space should be the number one determining factor.

If you have shelf space in smaller areas, a hardy spider plants would be a great option. For a vertical element that can fit on corners or narrow spaces, an interesting pothos would do the trick. Of course, having plenty of room allows you to explore a variety of floor plants such as bird's nest ferns, snake plants and dracaenas that bring both beauty and life into your home.

And, if you're still struggling to find that perfect plant for your space, think of it like playing a game of real-life Tetris - shift and arrange plants until they fill your entire area! With thoughtful placement and some potted greenery, your home will look like something from a design magazine - making you feel like one stylish gardener!

Step 3: Get To Know Your Plant

It is often easy to be attracted to the prospect of growing house plants; they look stunning and can bring life to any room. However, it's important to remember that plants are living things - and just like us, they need love and care from time to time if they are going to thrive.

The good news is, doing a bit of research into the care requirements for a variety of house plants can make sure your green-fingered dreams stay realistic! Also, most of our plants are low-maintenance, requiring only a bit of extra watering and the occasional trim.

Being mindful of your own time restraints and limitations is key here; if you're always on the go, give yourself a break and opt for an easier to care for plant - like a peace lily or a succulent.

Final Words

We hope this guide has helped you learn a the perfect plant for your home! With a little bit of research and planning, you can create an indoor oasis with beautiful houseplants.

Just remember that plants are living things too - so don’t forget to show them some TLC from time to time. After all, if we want our homes looking like something out of a architectural digest, then it's up to us green thumbs to make sure they stay healthy and happy!

And of course, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our plants or where to place a plant you're interested in. We're happy to help at Hewma.



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