Plant Parenthood: Tips to Keeping Your Houseplants Alive

Plant Parenthood: Tips to Keeping Your Houseplants Alive

So, you brought home a houseplant with the best of intentions. Maybe it was to brighten up a room, or to channel your inner Marie Kondo. But despite your care and attention, you soon found yourself staring mournfully at a shriveled-up plant and wondering where you went wrong.

Fear not, dear reader! We're to share some tips and tricks for keeping your houseplants alive and thriving. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie, these simple guidelines will help ensure that your plants stay cute.

Tip #1: Get To Know Your Plant

First and foremost, get to know your plant. Introduce yourself to your plant. Just kidding, but not really. 

For some, this might be obvious, but to many this actually isn't always obvious. New plant owners will typically buy a plant for their aesthetics rather than its other requirements. Take a second to uncover your plant's origin story, as they didn't magically sprout from a nursery or a Walmart shelf.

For example, when we found out that our Cactus is from a rainforest, we changed its care regimen to reflect the climate it is accustom to. After a few weeks, it began to change color back to its beautiful green.

Tip #2: Illumination Needs

As many people may know, plants need light for photosynthesis to occur and for the plant to survive and thrive.

All plants will require a certain amount of sunlight based on their origin, however not all plants require 12-14 hours of sunlight to thrive. In fact, many plants require a little less, and some even thrive in indirect sunlight. 

It is important to find out the ideal light needs of your plant species to ensure it receives the right amount of light without getting sunburned.

Tip #3: Hydration

Some plant enthusiasts will rely on rain to hydrate their plants, but for those who don't live in tropical states like Florida, this isn't always possible. Additionally, not all plants need excess  water. 

Thus, it's important to get to know your plant's water desires – some crave aqua galore, others a mere sip, and a few fancy being damp but not drenched.

A good general rule is to water with 1-2 cups of water once every 7-10 days to ensure they stay hydrated and nourished. This will help prevent your plants from drying out and promote growth. Especially in the summer where it tends to be more dry and warm inside. 

Tip #4:  Location, location, location

Finding the the right location for your plant in your home is important as well.

Since different plants have different light preferences, be sure to do your research and place your new green friend accordingly. A sunny windowsill might be great for a succulent, but it could fry a fern.

If you're not sure where to put your plant, start with a spot that gets bright indirect light. This will work for many plants and is a good starting point for your plant exploration. 

Tip #5:  Keep An Eye Out for Pests

No one likes a bug infestation, and plants are no exception. Be on the lookout for signs of pests, such as spider mites or mealybugs. If you spot something suspicious, take action quickly. This is not just for your plant but also for your home.

You can try removing the bugs by hand, spraying your plant with insecticidal soap, or using a natural insecticide like neem oil. Whatever method you choose, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and keep an eye on your plant's progress.

Final Words of Advice

Keeping a houseplant alive is a labor of love, but it can be incredibly rewarding. With a little bit of knowledge and some TLC, you can create a lush and lively plant.

Remember to choose the right plant, find the right location, water wisely, and keep an eye out for pests. And if you do encounter problems, don't be afraid to ask for help. With these tips in mind, your green thumb will stay glowing - and your plant babies will thank you for it!

Let us know in the comments your tips for keeping your plants happy and alive. 


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