Which Indoor Houseplants are least likely to die?

Which Indoor Houseplants are least likely to die?


In all honesty, plant care is really not rocket science, and for some plants, it doesn’t take much time out of the day to care for. But there are things to learn, and if you don’t know those things, it may seem like all houseplants will die on you.

Interestingly enough, there are actually quite a few plants that will do just fine with minimal care and even some neglect. In fact, there are plants that prefer you just left them alone.

We've narrowed down some of our favorite indoor houseplants that won’t die on you - meaning most forgiving and most adaptable to even the most busiest of lifestyles. We present to you the fabulous five:


Cacti (plural of cactus) have long been known to be the ultimate survivor of the plant kingdom.

These unique plants are very low maintenance and able to withstand almost any environmental condition. Whether they are in the hot, dry desert under direct sunlight or inside a house, cacti are able to adapt and thrive in their given surroundings.

What's even more impressive is that they can survive without much attention from their human caretakers. In fact, these rugged plants can actually thrive on neglect, making them the perfect houseplant for busy individuals.

Snake Plants

Snake plants (a Hewma favorite) with their strikingly gorgeous leaves, has the amazing ability to thrive in a neglectful household while still providing you with fresh and purified air.

That's right, while you're busy with your daily routines, the snake plant is hard at work removing toxins from the air. They have also been shown to boost productivity and reduce stress levels. This is a win-win situation!

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen is an impressive indoor houseplant that will add life and color to any space. The best part? It's low light tolerant and adaptable, making it ideal for those who don't have a green thumb or access to a lot of natural light.

This amazing plant has sturdy stems and glossy leaves that will stand up to even the most forgetful of waterers, making it to be a showstopper in any room at your home or office. And, much like Snake Plant, this is another known air purifying plant, making it a healthy option for those who want to clean the air in their space.

So, say goodbye to boring spaces and hello to the Chinese Evergreen!

Pothos - Easy to Grow and Low Maintenance

pothos njoy

Pothos plants are a true newbies dream come true! Almost too easy-to-grow, these vines thrive in conditions that other houseplants might actively avoid.

Pothos are low maintenance and only need watering once the top inch of soil dries out completely. They also handle moderate to low light conditions like a champ, meaning you can place them in a darker corner or place them out of direct sunlight. These hardy plants aren't just easy-to-grow; they add a touch of tropical flair to any space they're placed in.

Keep in mind that Pothos contain insoluble calcium oalate crystals which are toxic to pets if ingested so just make sure to keep them in out of reach areas for pets.

Peace Lilies

spathyphyllum peace lily

Peace Lilies are the ultimate plant for those who want something low-maintenance yet strikingly beautiful.

Not only do they make a statement in any room, but they are also incredibly adaptable and resistant to neglect. These plants can survive in a wide range of lighting conditions and are surprisingly forgiving when it comes to watering. 

Imagine coming home after a long day to find that your little green friend is still thriving and bringing some much-needed tranquility to your living space. With a Peace Lily, you can have a stunning and robust plant without any of the stress of coming home and noticing that one day this plant is brown and down.

Hewma Verdict

You might be curious to know why we picked these as our fabulous five favorites.

From our experience, these plants simply do well at not following the traditional rules that many plant experts will tell you about most plants, such as making sure they're in X hours of sunlight daily, watered every few days, etc., These plants are amazing at adapting themselves to the environment they’re in. That’s why some people do things one way, and some do it totally different, and both say they have great results. 

So, go ahead and check out these out and give them a try. And of course, don't be afraid to experiment with them. These plants can take it!

Happy Planting! :-)


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